About Kris

Kristopher Bonnet - better known as Kris St Patrick, is a photographer and creative based in Brussels, Belgium. 

As a Brussels native, originally studying marketing and business, Kris realized early on that photography was more than just a hobby - it was his passion. His career began even before completing his studies, and he hasn't looked back since.

With a distinct focus on event photography, Kris has an ambitious goal: to work internationally and immerse himself in the diversity and dynamism of the entertainment industry. He dreams of working as a photographer on movie sets, at red carpet events and music festivals.

Through the years, he has built a solid reputation for his keen eye for detail and remarkable ability to immortalize moments with authenticity and elegance, providing not just pictures, but stories, emotions, and an experience.

Client work includes: 

Profirst International, Tudor Watches, E-idols Monaco, Carlsberg, Airbnb, Jeux d'Hiver, Lamborghini Paris, Voodoo Village, WeInvest Real Estate, The SoFo Spoon NY, TheMerode Brussels, The Brunch Society, Tero Group, Media Marketing, and many more

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